Thursday, 30 June 2011

Ulster Scots Festival in the Borough

What’s Ulster Scots?

Castlereagh Community Culture Forum is proud to celebrate their very first Ulster Scots Festival. The festival will run from 5th to 9th July and will include various arts and music events, lectures and opportunities for people to learn, participate, and debate on what Ulster Scots Culture is all about.

Opening Night: Debate, Story-telling and Music
Question Time: What’s Ulster Scots?
A select panel discuss and help to clarify the meaning of Ulster-Scots
language and culture, followed by Storytelling
with Liz Weir and Music by Skullduggery

Castlereagh Borough Council Civic and Function Suite

Tuesday 05/07/11 6.30 – 10.00 pm

Cookery Demonstration
Insightful and fun way of learning about local cookery!

Downshire Hall, Weds 06/07/11 2.00 - 4.00 pm

Mural Project
An opportunity for younger people to work with local artist Andrew Cooke
to create Ulster Scots images, and turn them into a mural.

Downshire Hall, Weds 06/07/11 4.00 pm

Nursery Rhymes and Street Games
with Michael Copeland MLA

Michael discusses the history and origins of street games, nursery rhymes,
the language used and their significance in contemporary culture.

Braniel Church, Weds 06/07/11 6.30 - 7.30 pm

Film Screening: ‘The December Bride’
by Sam Hanna Bell

A presentation of the film The December Bride in association with the Classic Film Club.  A powerful and challenging film set in the beautiful environs of Strangford Lough.

Braniel Community Centre, Weds 06/07/11 8.00 pm

Tartan Display and Discussion
with Dr Clifford Smyth

Carryduff, Lough Moss Centre, Thursday 07/07/11 5.30- 6.30 pm

Music of Ulster & Scotland
A lecture featuring live musical performance from local Fife, Drum and Flute bands,
exploring the history and roots of Ulster and Scottish marching music.
Clonduff Community Centre, Thursday 07/07/11 7.30-9.30 pm

Rhythmic Roots feat. Anthony Toner,
Liam Logan and Wilson Burgess
A fun and innovative approach to story telling and poetry.
Anthony Toner, Liam Logan, and Wilson Burgess will be fusing music with the spoken word.

Enler Centre Ballybeen, Friday 08/07/11 1.30 - 3.00 pm


The Secret Listeners of Gilnahirk
by George Busby
Local historian and WW2 enthusiast George Busby delivers an insightful lecture
 on the secret listening post in Gilnahirk, which played a vital role for the allied forces during the war.

Friday 8th July 3.30 - 4.30pm

Highland and Irish Dance Workshop
with Bright Lights

Tullycarnet Community Centre, Friday 08/07/11 5.00-7.00pm

Mary Ryan & Mark Braidner in Concert
Gospel Blues singer Mary Ryan and Roots blues singer and guitarist Mark Braidner perform Delta Blues and Gospel ballads as well as some traditional Irish and Scottish songs which travelled to the States and changed from Sean Nós to Ragtime; Music-Hall to Vaudeville and Bible Songs to Gospel Blues Ballads.

Tullycarnet Community Centre, Friday 8/07/11 7.30

Family Fun Day
(funded by PeaceIII &The Ulster Scots Agency)
Bouncy Castles, Arts & Crafts, Music and much, much, more. A real day of fun for all the family. Watch out for Willie Drennan and his merry band of musicians. A civic fire will be lit at 8.30pm and music from a variety of bands will be played throughout the day.
Cregagh Estate, Saturday 09/07/11 4.00 – 10.00 pm


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